Sunday, May 8, 2011

random graduation thoughts from my bedroom floor.

I was laying there on my bedroom floor, realizing that the scene that surrounded me was similar to what it was 4 years ago. My room is filthy. When I graduated from high school my room was filthy plus, from the help of my messy sister. Now it's just my mess but I still won't get around to cleaning it before tomorrow. So I'm laying on my floor looking up at my beautiful pink, now dry cleaned, dress for tomorrow and actually got a little sad. I imagined the "after party" with the friends I've made and experienced so much with since August. They've seen me develop a skill that means so much to me. They've seen me go from completely silent to just quiet. We've all been through struggles, moments of doubting ourselves and at times our career choice, but also we've cheered each other on, we've experienced those moments when one of us nailed it and we partied for each others little triumphs. And that's just the class related stuff. We've experienced life together. The highs and lows, the moments when we just needed people to listen and the moments we couldn't utter what was going on beneath the surface and either way there was always a feeling of support. As excited as I am to graduate I'm also kinda dreading it. I just have to keep thinking that these people whom I've grown to love and respect will leave my life as classmates but become my trusted colleagues in the field.

IPP day class 2011 ROCKS! cough cough 2!


Leah said...


mclemon said...

You amazing Julie. I'm so proud of you! Amazing the difference a year make, huh? You've come a long way.!


Aunt Cindy