Monday, October 13, 2014

"antiquated gender roles"

Think of these phrases and what they are meant to communicate and what they actually mean.

"Be a Man"

"Man up"

"Don't be such a girl"

What on earth do they mean?! They don't literally suggest that you should or should not have a specific anatomy. They do not mean what they say exactly.

I am a female.

Does that mean, like these pictures I have to be a certain way.
Can't I be "girly" one day with curls in my hair and earrings and a sassy smile and the next,
no make up, greasy hair, smelly, sweaty and sporty or is that too "manly"?
I just wish I could be me, whatever that means for that day.
Flirty and pretty, messy and strong.
I am all these things.
I'm not saying gender is unimportant.
I am a girl and proud of it.
I have an internal instinct that kicks in when someone/thing needs to be taken care of and that's pretty dang cool. I also think it's naturally easier for me to be compassionate, understanding and sympathetic.
But again I think only part of that is hormonal and part of that is my personality. So these things are complicated and very intense subjects but please think a little more the next time you use a statement that devalues an integral part of who we are.

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