Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the same yet wildly diffrent.

This morning I got asked a somewhat simple, conversational question that went like this:

"so do you want to work in the K-12 setting?"

My answer was pretty causal something like:

"yea maybe but I'm not quite sure exactly what I want to do"

But inside my head something totally different was going on cuz my crazy self translated that question into my language of everythinghasgreatermeaningandyoumusthavealltheanswersrightnow so my mind conversation when like this:

"what are you going to do with the rest of your life?"

besides my immediate reaction of -keep it together and just answer like a normal person!
what my brain answered to that question was:

"I HAVE NO IDEA, i'm so scared of real life I often think I'll lose it and just thinking about being done with school makes me feel like my life as I have known it for the past 17 years of my existence is going to change drastically and I don't know how to be a grown up, I want to live with my mommy and daddy forever and only have 2 bills and not get kicked off the family phone plan and not have to worry about eventually getting a job so I can move out and be a productive member of society...

luckily all my mentor heard was a reserved "yea, not sure".

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